English-1(25712) ‍ar suggestion


Ordinary Coaching Center

Subject : English-1 (22 Probidhan)

Subject Code: 25712 

Chapter-1 : Writing Dialogues

1. Write a dialogue between you and your friend about “The good effects of morning walk”.

2. Write a dialogue between two friend about the importance of learning English.

Or, Write a dialogue between you and your teacher on importance of learning English.

3. Write a dialogue between two friends regarding their aims in life.

4. Write a dialogue between two friends on good manners.

5. Write a dialogue between two friends about the importance of technical education.

6. Write a dialogue between station master and passenger on the schedule of a train.

7. Write a dialogue between two friends who met in an airport.

Chapter-2 : Report Writing

1. Write a report on a devastating fire broke out at midnight at Shahjahanpur, Dhaka.

Or, Write a short report on “Devastating fire“.

Or, Suppose, yesterday a devastating fire caused heavy loss in your locality. Now write a short report on that incident.

Or, Suppose you are a reporter of ‘The Daily Star’. A fire broke out at a house of Mirpur in Dhaka on February 13. You were present there. Now write a report on it.

2. Write a report on rode accident.

Or, Suppose, you are a reporter of ‘The Daily Star’. Prepare a report about a terrible rode accident.

Or, Write a report on street Accident which takes place in front of you on the Highway Thana in your area.

3. You are a reporter of a national daily. Now write a report about Eve Teasing focusing on it’s causes and effects.

4. Suppose you are a student of x Polytechnic Institute, Dhaka. You have celebrated the Independence Day at your Institute. Now write a report on it.

5. Suppose you are a Sabuj. A grand book fair was held in your locality. Now write a short report on the book fair.

6. Suppose you are a reporter of a daily newspaper. You have interviewed many slum dwellers about their ways of life. Now write a report on them.

Chapter-3 : Official Letters Or Applications

1. Write an application to the principal of your Institute requesting him/her not to allow any student or teacher to use cell phone in the classroom or in the examination hall.

2. Suppose, your father has been transferred from Dhaka to elsewhere. Now you will have to be admitted to an institute there and need a transfer certificate. Write an application to the Principal for a transfer certificate.

3. Write an application to the Principal of your institute seeking permission to go on a study tour.

4. Write an application to the principal of your institute for help from the poor fund.

Or, Write an application to the principal seeking stipends from poor fund.

5. Write a letter to the principal of your institute praying for starting a debating club/society in your institute.

6. Write an application to the principal of your institute to set up a canteen at the institute campus.

Chapter-5 : CV (Curriculum Vitae) or, Resume

1.      Write an application with a detailed CV for the post of an Office Executive.

2.      You have been informed through ‘The Bangladesh Observer’ dated to April 20, 2017 that a farm needs some sales representatives. They are inviting applications from the suitable candidates to P.O Box No-5409. Now Write an application for the post with CV.

3.      Write an application with CV to the Managing Director, DESA/WASA for the post of a Sub-Assistant Engineer.

Or, Write an application with your CV to the Managing Director of a factory for the post of Junior Engineer.

  Chapter-8 : Writing Paragraph Answering Questions

1.      Importance of learning English

2.       Modern Science

Or, Wonders of Modern Science

Or, Science in Everyday Life

3.      Facebook

4.      Digital Bangladesh

5.      The 21st February

6.      Flood

7.      Book Fair

8.      Tree Plantation

9.      Technical Education

Or, Vocation Education

Model Questions

1.      The speech of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on march 7 …………………………………… …….. one of the most rousing and inspirational wartime speeches in the last 200 years.

2.      One of the sources the important of water in our country are the rivers. Rivers are everywhere ………………………………………………………………………city with a chronic shortage of space.

3.      Kuakata is one of the unique sport which allow a visitor to watch both the sunrise……………………… …………………………………………………………………enjoy going to the traditional fairs.

4.      We human beings tend to forget how far we have come as a species …………………… …………… ……… ……………………………………………… in the last few decades.

5.      The Moon Landing : For thousands of years, human beings had looked to the ……………… … …… ………………………………………………………….reach out and touch someone.

6.      Global technology has been an integral part of our quest to eliminate leprosy …………………………..

……………………………………………………The next step is making this disease disappear.

এই পোস্টটি পরিচিতদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

পূর্বের পোস্ট দেখুন পরবর্তী পোস্ট দেখুন
এই পোস্টে এখনো কেউ মন্তব্য করে নি
মন্তব্য করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

অর্ডিনারি সিসি’র নীতিমালা মেনে কমেন্ট করুন। প্রতিটি কমেন্ট রিভিউ করা হয়।

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