ইংরেজী- ২ (English-2) এর সাজেশন

Group - A : Seen and Unseen Comprehension (Marks-15)

Seen Comprehension

01. Nelson Mandela guided South Africa ..................... humanity, Kindness and dignity. ..........

02.As a child you must have been told ......................... make your day smooth and pleasant...........

03. My name is Amerigo, Iam 13 years ...................... could not even sell one ice-cream. ..........

04. British Bangladeshis also known .......................... Political voice in Britain...........

05. The Sundarbans is known for .........................said ZSL tiger expert Sarah Christie...........

Unseen Comprehension

01. Two friends, Raghib and Adeeb, ..... ...........Certainly learn through mistakes..........

02. Education is the process by which ..... ............better. How right he Was! ..........

03. Bangladesh is a Small country ....................... affect academic progress. ............

04. Current statistics show that about .................. education and employment..............

05. Globalisation has become a buzzword ................. be a better place to live in..........

06. The Bangabandhu Satellite-1 ic ......... continue with this Sattelite .................

07. Corona vrius or Covid-19 an infections ......... fossil fuels which cost effective. ...........

Group-B : Grammar (Marks-15)

Use the Right form of verbs

Changing Voice from Active to passive

Appropriate Preparation

Completing Sentences

Punctuation and Capitalization

Sentence Structure


Group-C: Composition (Marks-15)

Chapter-1: Instruction Paragraph 

01. How to Become a Good student.

02. How to  Open an Account in a Bank.

03. How to Make a Cup of Tea.

04. How to Learn English.

05. How to  take Preparation for the Examination.

Chapter-2: Completing Stories

01. The Hare and the Tortoise................

02. Grasp all, Lose all................

03. A friend in Need is a Friend Indeed...........

04. The pied piper of Hamelin.........

05. Honesty is the best policy............

06. Failures are but pillars of success.......

07. Unity is Strength........

08. industry Brings Happiness.......

09. Who will Bell the Cat.......

10.Tit for tat..........

Chapter-3: Writing Dialogues

01. Write a dialogue between you and your friend about “the good effects of morning walk”.

02. Write a dialogue between two friend about the importance of learning English.

Or, Write a dialogue between you and your teacher on importance of learning English.

03. Write a dialogue between two friends regarding their aims in life.

04. Write a dialogue between two friends on good manners.

05. Write a dialogue between two friends about the importance of technical education.

06. Write a dialogue between station master and passenger on the schedule of a train. 

07. Write a dialogue between two friends who met in an airport.

Chapter-4: Report Writing

01. Write a report on a devastating fire broke out at midnight at Shahjahanpur, Dhaka.

Or, Write a short report on “Devastating fire“.

Or, Suppose, yesterday a devastating fire caused heavy loss in your locality. Now write a short report on that incident.

Or, Suppose you are a reporter of ‘The Daily Star’. A fire broke out at a house of Mirpur in Dhaka on February 13. You were present there. Now write a report on it.

02.Write a report on rode accident.

Or, Suppose, you are a reporter of ‘The Daily Star’. Prepare a report about a terrible rode accident. 

Or, Write a report on street Accident which takes place in front of you on the Highway Thana in your area. 

03.You are a reporter of a national daily. Now write a report about Eve Teasing focusing on it’s causes and effects. 

04. Suppose you are a student of x Polytechnic Institute, Dhaka. You have celebrated the Independence Day at your Institute. Now write a report on it.

05. Suppose you are a Sabuj. A grand book fair was held in your locality. Now write a short report on the book fair.

06. Suppose you are a reporter of a daily newspaper. You have interviewed many slum dwellers about their ways of life. Now write a report on them.

Chapter-5: Summary writing

01. Two friends Raghib and Adeeb, .............. centainly learn through mistakes...........

02. Bangladesh is a small country ......... badly affect academic progress.....................

03. Education is one of the basic ...... prerequisite for social development.................

04. Globalisation has become a ....... centain be a better place to live in ...................

05. The in vention of computer is ..................revolutionary changes in our life..........


এই পোস্টটি পরিচিতদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

পূর্বের পোস্ট দেখুন পরবর্তী পোস্ট দেখুন
এই পোস্টে এখনো কেউ মন্তব্য করে নি
মন্তব্য করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

অর্ডিনারি সিসি’র নীতিমালা মেনে কমেন্ট করুন। প্রতিটি কমেন্ট রিভিউ করা হয়।

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